Cats And Courtesans. See a recent post on Tumblr from @viktor-sbor about courtesans. I have put these here so people can stream them.

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Start by marking "Courtesan (Spaceport)" as Want to Read Explore Tweets tagged as #courtesans - Download Videos and Photos Collect, upgrade and combine spare parts to assemble the best combat robot.
Courtesan is a profession which uses charm, refinement and sexuality to attract high status suitors, patrons and lovers.
A long fought victory against my weaknesses with environment art, I started this in my mentorship with the lovely Todd Lockwood back in December last year, it's taken me this.
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Collect, upgrade and combine spare parts to assemble the best combat robot. Cats and Cats and Cats Tokyo, Japan.